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Risk Intelligence Advisory Service: Organization specific intelligence-led security

Navigate the ever-changing global security landscape with Risk Intelligence Center’s (RIC) Advisory service. This industry-leading offering provides actionable protective and threat intelligence that adapts to protect you against threats to your organization, operations, and brand. Explore the proactive approach that guides you towards an intelligence-led security strategy.

Keeping your organization, operations, and brand secure day-to-day requires more than a plan.It requires a risk strategy based on actionable intelligence. The Risk Intelligence Center (RIC) offers strategic solutions across four different levels to safeguard your business while optimizing your return on investment in security. One level of the RIC is the Advisory service, which combines protective and threat intelligence. This service leverages Securitas' all source intelligence strategy, including expert human intelligence and cutting-edge technology for open-source intelligence (OSINT).

In this article, we will delve deeper into the Advisory service, providing an overview of the features and services included, and demonstrating you can apply it towards an intelligence-led security approach.

What's included
The Advisory service industry-leading expertise, Securitas' global operations, and the RIC's global network of sources and agencies to provide comprehensive global intelligence with localized insights. Tailored specifically for your industry, sector, and geography, this service delivers organization-specific intelligence and heightened situational awareness.

At the core of this service are Daily Monitoring Update reports. At the Advisory level, these reports enable you to prioritize what matters most. These intelligence reports serve as a daily feed, providing detailed protective intelligence about your organization, including people, property, and assets, as well as information about threat intelligence events and threat actors that are specific to your organization.

When the RIC identifies intelligence that requires immediate action, it issues a Flash Intelligence Report (INTREP) to aid in decision prioritization and support crisis and incident management.

Recognizing the importance of flexibility in intelligent risk management, the Advisory service includes access to the RIC’s Request for Intelligence service (RFI), where clients can request further details on a certain topic or a specific report. Clients can customize these request to support their specific intelligence requirements, including the delivery of targeted intelligence products such as event security threat assessments and travel security reports, investigations, consultancy services, and support for crisis management. The Advisory service provides 16 hours per month of RFI service, with the flexibility to purchase additional hours based on your requirements. 

The Advisory service, thus, provides a dynamic and responsive approach to address your unique requirements.

By combining the RIC Advisory service with the Alerting service, you can leverage an additional layer of protection by issuing targeted incident alerts based on your specified location and custom profile, considering factors like distance and severity level. With 12,000~ global alerts issued monthly, covering a range from crime to natural disasters, protests, and terrorism, this proactive approach ensures that you actively safeguard your assets.

In short, the RIC Advisory service includes:

  • Daily Monitoring INTREPs
  • Flash INTREPs
  • Requests for intelligence (RFI) – 16 hours per month included
  • Example RFIs include:
    • Weekly Monitoring Summaries
    • Monthly Monitoring Summaries
    • Location Threat Assessments
    • Event Security Threat Assessments
    • Travel Security Reports
    • Investigations

Explore other plans 
Whether your organization seeks heightened situational awareness, targeted alerts or dedicated analyst support, the RIC provides tailored solutions to align with your requirements. The ultimate goal is to provide you with the confidence you need to manage risks, seize opportunities, and contribute to creating a safer world.

The RIC Advisory service is one of four tiers offered by the RIC. To learn more about the other service levels available, read more here.

If you are interested in the RIC’s intelligence services or would like to discuss your specific requirements, we encourage you to reach out. You can speak to your Securitas point of contact or contact the RIC directly via